HINTERGRUND, Heft 04 -10 - Tarnen und Täuschen
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Tarnen und Täuschen
Anmerkungen und Quellen
(1) Hannah Gurman, What would George Orwell say about the US withdrawal from Iraq? WarInContext, 13,8.2010
(2) http://www.fnp.de/fnp/welt/politik/der-krieg-ist-aus_rmn01.c.8086092.de.html
(3) Phil Sands, Insurgents vow to fight until last US soldier goes, The National (Abu Dhabi), 1.9.2010
(4) War in Iraq Defies U.S. Timetable for End of Combat, NYT, 2.7. 2010
(5) Gareth Porter, Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq, IPS, 3.8.2010
(6) Schicksalswahl im Irak lässt Amerikaner bangen, Spiegel Online, 7.3.2010
(7) Thomas Ricks, Iraq Withdrawal: What are Non-Combat Troops, CBS News, August 2, 2010
(8) War in Iraq Defies U.S. Timetable for End of Combat, NYT, 2.7. 2010
(9) Gates Says US Air Force May Remain in Iraq Beyond 2011, Voice of America, 11.2.2009
(10) Thomas E. Ricks, The war in Iraq isn’t over. The main events may not even have happened yet. Washington Post, 15.2.
(11) Gareth Porter, Obama Drops 2009 Pledge to Withdraw Combat Troops from Iraq, IPS, 3.8.2010
(12) US Military Prepares to Leave Iraq, But May Stay If Asked, Voice of America, 12.8.2010
(13) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babaker_Shawkat_B._Zebari
(14) Iraq’s Soldiers not ready to take over Security, 19.8.2010
(15) J. Guilliard, Besatzungsende nicht in Sicht, Abkommen über Truppenrückzug im Irak kaum bindend, IMI-Analyse 2008/041 in AUSDRUCK, Dezember 2008
(16) Leila Fadel, In Iraq, cemetery is symbol of militia’s vow to fight if U.S. forces delay exit, Wa.Po. 18.8.2010
(17) http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2010/aug/04/us-iraq-rebranding-occupation
(18) Seumas Milne, The US isn’t leaving Iraq, it’s rebranding the occupation
Obama says withdrawal is on schedule, but renaming or outsourcing combat troops won’t give Iraqis back their country, Guardian, 4.8.2010
(19) Jeremy Scahill, Iraq Withdrawal? Obama and Clinton Expanding US Paramilitary Force in Iraq, | The Nation, 22.7.2010
(20) Civilians to Take U.S. Lead as Military Leaves Iraq, NYT, August 18, 2010
(21) Last US combat brigade exits Iraq, BBC 19.08.2010
(22) U.S. ’secret war‘ expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role, Washington Post, 4.6.2010
(23) Raul Zelik, Aufstandsbekämpfung und Besatzungskrieg – Die Entwicklung asymmetrischer Kriegführung durch den Westen, Peripherie Nr. 116, 29. Jg. 2009, 01.02.2010
(24) Shane Bauer, Die schmutzige Brigade von Bagdad, Le Monde diplomatique, 10.7.2009