HINTERGRUND, Heft 01.02-10 - Inszenierter Terror?

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Inszenierter Terror? – Zum vereitelten Anschlag auf Flug 253


Anmerkungen und Quellen:

(1) „Terror suspect kept visa to avoid tipping off larger investigation“, 27. Januar, 2010, Detroit News, http://detnews.com/article/20100127/NATION/1270405/Terror-suspect-kept-visa-to-avoid-tipping-off-larger-investigation

(2) „Obama: NYC 9/11 Trial Not Ruled Out“, 8. Februar 2010, Huffington Post,

(3) „Analysis: Were mistakes made in AbdulMutallab interrogation?“, 27. Januar 2010, CNN

(4) „Waterboarding should be option: Cheney“, 15. Februar 2010, AFP,

(5) „Umfrage: Mehrheit der US-Bürger befürwortet Waterboarding des Detroit-Attentäters“, 2. Januar 2010, Telepolis, http://www.heise.de/tp/blogs/8/146840

(6) Interview mit Richard Wolffe, 4. Januar 2010, MSNBC, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/#34694889

(7) Interview mit Richard Wolffe, 5. Januar 2010, MSNBC, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/#34716801

(8) „Al-Qa’ida in Arabian Peninsula Issues Claim of Responsibility“, 28. Dezember 2009, jihadica

(9)“MI5 knew of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s UK extremist links“, 3. Januar 2010, TIMES-Online, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article6973954.ece

(10) „Spy Agencies Failed to Collate Clues on Terror“, 30. Dezember 2009, New York Times,

(11) „Terror suspect kept visa to avoid tipping off larger investigation“, 27. Januar, 2010, Detroit News, http://detnews.com/article/20100127/NATION/1270405/Terror-suspect-kept-visa-to-avoid-tipping-off-larger-investigation

(12) „Terrorism Watch Lists Don’t Necessarily Bar Entry, Officials Say“, 22. Januar 2010, Congress Daily, http://gsn.nti.org/gsn/nw_20100122_5496.php

(13) Ebd.

(14) „Review of Jet Bomb Plot Shows More Missed Clues“, 17. Januar 2010, New York Times,

(15) Ebd.

(16) „The August Attempt on Saudi Prince Mohammed – and the Link to Flight 253“, 3.Januar 2010, ABC News, http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/01/the-august-attempt-on-saudi-prince-mohammed—-and-the-link-to-flight-253.html

(17) „Evidence of accomplice not found, officials say“, 6. Januar 2010, Associated Press,

(18) „Alert: Female Suicide Bombers May Be Heading Here From Yemen“, 22. Januar 2010, ABC News, http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/female-suicide-bombers-heading-yemen/story?id=9636341&page=1

(19) „The truth about Flight 253 has been revealed“, 29. Januar, 2010, Kurt Haskell-Blog,

(20) „Jackson man, Wisconsin family on Flight 253 say unknown man got video of alleged attack“, 28.12.2009, Michigan Local News, http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2009/12/wisconsin_family_on_flight_253.html

(21) „Flight 253 botched response: Key document excerpts tell the tale of what went wrong“, 29. Januar 2010, Detroit Free Press, http://www.freep.com/article/20100129/NEWS05/100129001/Flight-253-botched-response–Key-document-excerpts-tell-the-tale-of-what-went-wrong

(22) „Double life of ‚gifted and polite‘ terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab“, 1. Januar 2010, TIMES-Online, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article6973007.ece

(23) „Awlaki personally blessed Detroit attack“, 29. Dezember 2009, The Washington Times,

(24) „Der Übersetzer des Dschihad“, 11.1.2010, Spiegel Online,

(25) Philip Shenon, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation, S. 52

(26) „Chance to foil 9/11 plot lost here, report finds“, 25. Juli 2003, San Diego Tribune,

(27) „Failure to Communicate: The congressional probe of 9/11 suggests the attacks could have been prevented“, 4. August 2003, Newsweek, http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-106107199/failure-communicate-congressional-probe.html

(28) „How Anwar Awlaki Got Away“, 30. November 2009, ABC News,

(29) „D.C. imam tied to hijackers subject of Green Quest probe“, 16. August 2003, World Net Daily, http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34134

(30) „US plane attacker „sneaked“ into Nigeria“, 28. Dezember 2009, Reuters, http://tvnz.co.nz/world-news/us-plane-attacker-sneaked-into-nigeria-3319224

(31) Haftbefehl gegen Hosam Smadi, http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/img/09-09/0924smadi_complaint.pdf

(32) „Dallas plot suspect’s family says he was troubled, not a terrorist“, 4. Oktober 2009, Dallas News,

(33) Ebd.

(34) „Posts suggest lonely, depressed terror suspect“, 29. Dezember 2009, Salon.com, http://www.salon.com/news/2009/12/29/af_airliner_attack_internet_postings/index.html


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