HINTERGRUND, Heft 03 - 12 - Libyen nach der „Befreiung“ – eine Zwischenbilanz

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Libyen nach der „Befreiung“ – eine Zwischenbilanz


Anmerkungen und Quellen

(1) Pétrole : l’accord secret entre le CNT et la France, 2.9.2011. Belohnung für Militäreinsatz in Libyen, FR, 2.9.2011
(2) British firms urged to ‚pack suitcases‘ in rush for Libya business, Guardian, 21.10.2011, Hammond: Libya ‚holds business opportunities‘ for UK, BBC-Video, 21.10.2011
(3) British companies to rush for £200bn in Libya contracts, Daily Mail, 22.11 2011
(4) Borzou Daragahi, Uncertainty hampers business in Libya, Financial Times, 10.2.2012
(5) Libya approves Islamic banking law –official, Reuters, 17.5.2012, Libya amending bank law to attract foreigners, Reuters, 25.2.2012
(6) Lower Libya Production Weighs On Repsol YPF Earnings, Wall Street Journal, 29.2.2012, Spain’s Repsol says Q4 profit down on Libya, AP, 29.2.2012 u. Libya oil output interruption hurts Repsol profits, afp, 29.2.2012
(7) Monti aims to restore Libya relations, Financial Times, 22.1.2012
(8) Wintershall in Libyen, E&P kompakt, Wintershall, Mai 2012
(9) Libya talks up local workforce, Libya Business News, 29.2.2012.
(10) Analyst: Libyan oil recovery has limits, UPI, 23.1.2012
(11) Libya’s vast oil potential remains in flux — Gadhafi has gone but the country is a long way yet from normality, The Daily Telegraph, 7.5.2012
(12) Mixed outlook for MENA, Oil & Gas Journal, 7.5.2012
(13) Borzou Daragahi, Reconstructing Libya: In a ruinous state, Financial Times, 17.11.2011
(14) Malta’s close ties with Libya ‘an opportunity for US companies’, Times of Malta, 3.5.2012
(15) Holding Libya Together … a.a.O, Libya’s long road to disarmament, IRIN, 29.12.2011, Franklin Lamb, Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya?, 1.1.2012, CounterPunch, 30.12.2011
(16) Tony Karon, In Post-Gaddafi Libya, Freedom is Messy—and Getting Messier, Time Magazine, 4.1.2012
(17) Despite denial, Al Quds dedicates editorial to ‘US forces in Malta’, Malta Today, 18.1.2012
(18) UNO-Bericht: Geheimgefängnisse und Folter – Missionsleiter Ian Martin: 4.000 Menschen in Gewalt der Milizen, Standard, 11.5.2012 Thousands remain in secret Libya militia prisons: UN, AFP 10.5.2012
(19) Franklin Lamb, Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya?, CounterPunch, 30.12.2011
(20) Libya: Deaths of detainees amid widespread torture, Amnesty International, 26.1.2012
(21) As Libya celebrates a year of freedom, evidence grows of its disintegration, Guardian/The Observer, 19.2.2012
(22) Libyens demokratische Transformation stockt, Ungeduldige Bevölkerung – Zentrifugale Kräfte werden stärker, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 21.4.2012
(23) Zehntausende demonstrieren gegen neue Herren, Der Standard, 13.12.2011
(24) Libya’s federalist camp clings to autonomy bid, Middle East Online, 18.4.2012
(25) As Libya celebrates a year of freedom, evidence grows of its disintegration, Guardian/The Observer, 19.2.2012
(26) „Libyen droht zu zersplittern“, Interview mit Jochen Hippler, tageschau 16:00 Uhr, 20.10.2011
(27) Another Dubai or another Somalia? Six months after Gadhafi fall, Libya still mired in chaos, AP, 2.3.2012, Libya: Semi-autonomy declared by leaders in east, BBC, 6 .3.2012, Osten Libyens erklärt Autonomie, Zeit Online, 06.03.2012
(28) Call for election boycott in Libya’s turbulent east, Reuter, 3.5.2012.
(29) Libya extends voter registration amid boycott call, Reuter, 13.5.2012
(30) Wolfgang Bauer, Der durchlöcherte Frieden, DIE ZEIT, 16.2.2012
(31) Franklin Lamb, Will A Pro-Gaddafi “Green Revolution” Topple The NTC?, Countercurrents.org, 15.1.2012, Franklin Lamb, Will 2012 Bring Tribal War to Libya?, 1.1.2012, CounterPunch, 30.12.2011
(32) Im April z.B. gab es Kämpfe zwischen Ex-Rebellen aus Zuwarah und den Milizen von Jamil und Regdalin die bis zu letzt auf Seiten Gaddafis standen (West Libya new scene of deadly militia clashes, Middle East Online, 4.4.2012 und Fragile Security Undermines Libya’s Transition to Democracy, The tensions between Zuwara and Jamil stem from the armed struggle period against Gaddafi’s forces, Middle East Online, 12.4.2012). Merh dazu unter J. Guilliard, Libyen: Kampf um Macht und Pfründe, junge Welt. 12.03.2012
(33) Tony Karon, Haunted by the Ghosts of Afghanistan, Libya Asks NATO to Stay On, TIME Blog, 26.10.2011
(34) Pepe Escobar, That rocky road to Damascus, Asia Times, 24.11.2011


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