HINTERGRUND, Heft 01 -11 - Obamas nächste Front

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Obamas nächste Front


Quellen und Anmerkungen

1) Time, 9.12.2010: Four Months Later, Pakistan Still Suffers from Flooding. Dawn, 4.12.2010:
One Million displaced need aid in Sind.

2) Dawn, 9.8.2010: Pakistan flood crisis bigger than tsunami, Haiti: UN.

3) Guardian, 1.10.2010: Pakistan floods: from Swat to the sea.

4) Tribune, 21.9.2010: Food threat looms for Pakistan’s child flood victims. http://tribune.com.pk/story/52855/food-threat-looms-for-pakistans-child-flood-victims-un/

5) International Institute for Strategic Studies, September 2010. http://www.iiss.org/publications/strategic-comments/past-issues/volume-16-2010/september/pakistans-floods-broader-implications/)

6) msnbc, 13.10.2010: Pakistan flood damages estimated at $9.5 billion.

7) BBC, 26.8.2010: Pakistan floods: Damages and challenges).

8) http://fts.unocha.org/reports/daily/ocha_R24_E15913___1012091732.pdf

9)  Wochenbericht der UNICEF vom 28.10.2010.

10) The Waters of the Third Pole: Sources of Threat, Sources of Survival.

11) Asia Times, 23.9.2010: Pakistan faces new debt crisis.

12) Reuters, 24.11.2010: Pakistan slashes development to meet IMF targets.

13) Pakistan’s External Debt and Liabilities. Source: State Bank of Pakistan. http://www.sbp.org.pk/ecodata/pakdebt.pdf

14)  Asia Times, 23.9.2010: Pakistan faces new debt crisis.

15) Pakistan needs debt cancellation, not new IMF loans; 31.8.2010.

16) Daily Times, 30.7.2010: Government pays $3.136 billion in debt servicing.

17) McClatchy Newspapers, 28.5.2009: US to spend $1 billion on embassy expansions in Pakistan, Afghanistan. Diplomatic presence on the scale of Iraq prompts concerns in Pakistan about American meddling.

18) Americans to buy Peshawar Pearl Continental Hotel; 25.8.2009.

19) The Nation, 11.12.2010: US official departs amid ‚threats‘.

20) Pakistan Army GHQ again approves embedding U.S. special forces personnel to support military operations; Depesche der Botschaft Islamabad, 9.10.2009.

21) The Nation, 4.2.2010: The Expanding US War in Pakistan.

22) U.S. Psy-Ops Sgt Among 3 Special Ops Soldiers Killed at Girls School in Dir, Pakistan.

23) http://counterterrorism.newamerica.net/drones/2009

24) Reviewing our Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy; Depesche der Botschaft Islamabad, 23.9.2009.


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